Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Special Report - 'Going Natural'

I want yall to see this. I don't promote natural hair just because it's a preference. One of the MAIN reasons are for the health of YOUR hair. Not the hair that you bought. Not to mention, this brings out YOUR NATURAL BEAUTY AND PRIDE!!! This is one trend that I am happy that it is picking up.

You would be surprised at the amount of women who seemingly get offended by me telling them that they should go natural. They get offended by me telling them that I love their NATURAL BEAUTY. A lot of women reply like, "I don't want that nappy shit" or "I'm not tryin to look like no African". But wheather we like it or not, black people we ARE African!!!

Watching this video as well as others, AND since I know what black women do to their hair gets me to wondering. Why??? So, I talk with black women. I try to see what is going on. What is the root of all of this. But I guess it is what ir programmed. Our culture has programmed to think that the long silky hair is what's up. Now don't get me wrong, the long silky stuff looks good too, but at what price? Physically, it is damaging your hair and scalp. Then you have the mental. We are still already slaves enough, why be a slave to hair? Your hair does not look like a white woman's because you aren't white. You have to take pride in your natural beauty. Too many people think that natural hair is ugly because WE ALL have been programmed to think so.

I have also found that many black women who don't go natural just don't know how to take care and manage it. A lot of women think that going natural means just not doing anything to it at all. Yes, ladies you STILL have to manage and take care of it just like you did with with the relaxers, weaves , and wigs. Of course there are unique techniques because your hair is unique. There are many different HEALTHY ways to keep your natural hair looking good.

Also, think about the little girls. Now the knowledge and resources are definitely out there to teach our little girls that they are naturally beautiful. Nothing is wrong with natural hair. In MY opinion, giving a young girl a relaxer(I have heard of them getting them as young as age 3 or 4) is one of the worst things you can do. You are starting a ruining process at a very early age. Do you really want your daughter growing up doubting herself? I mean, there's always gonna be some doubts, but maybe you shouldn't contribute as well.

All in all, natural is the best way to go. It is healthy for your hair and scalp. And it is very beautiful. TRUE BEAUTY. If you think that you can't do it, there are TONS of videos now that tell you that you can. This is something that is a good thing wheather it's a trend or not, it still looks great.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Post Military for Twisted Storeez

Damn. It's been a while since I blogged. Back then I was still in the military and somewhat unhappy with. But I knew that my time was coming up and I would be out. ?Yall think I'm playin, the shit is really like a jail sentence, and I got out early.lol. Well, not really early because I was approaching my 5 year mark and I had already completed an enlistment. Back in July 2009, I foolishly reenlisted out of fear that I would not make it on the outside. That's what everybody puts in your head. They put in your head that the military is the best job out there for you and that you will be happy with the "stability" of a military job.
Well, I got out!!! Not entirely my choice, but in June 2010, I got notice that I would be getting discharged honorably by Aug 31, 2010. I knew it was on some bullshit, but as long as it is honorable, I was totally okay with it. At nearly 5 years, i have proven that I'm not really a failure like they tried to paint me. If I was, I wouldn't have made it past a year.
So now, I have been out officially for 2 months. As a young single man with no kids, I would say that I'm doing OK. I just moved into my new apartment. I'm in a new city that I never lived in, Nashville. I am in college(something that I really couldn't handle when I was in the Air Force). I am rebuilding my DJ brand and it is going ok so far. I was only out here for a week or so when I started getting called to do events.
Money wise I am doing ok. I have several sources of income. I have always been self-sufficient and have been able to make some kind of money. Not to mention, being a vet, you get some decent benefits. I'm now living stress free. I am actually in somewhat better shape although I don't workout. How is that? Because that stupid ass PT that had me doing was just breaking down my body. So with that combined with working a warehouse job for up to 12 hours a day, my body was not in shape like at all. Now that I get PLENTY of rest and I have allowed my knees to heal, I haven't been in this good of shape in some years.
So overall, I would say that I am doing a little better now that I am out. Things are different, but better. A person like myself is not made to be tied to a controlling organization like the military. Don't get me wrong, I am happy for what I did achieve in the military. I don't have a lot of great stories, but I got a few.lol. But it is a VERY true statement that the military isn't for everyone. If it WAS for everyone, then everyone would be in it. With all of my talent and ambition, people were always asking me why was I in the military. And really, I could only tell them I DON'T KNOW.lol. Life on the outside is great and I have no complaints. In a few years, I will be somebodies elementary school teacher and changing lives. If I was in the military, I would've been saying that in 3 years I will be some Staff sergeant still stuck and unhappy with the military. I don't know about yall, but I gotta protect my sanity. I have to do what I want to in MY life, you don't completely get that choice when you are in the military, you do what your superiors tell you to do(including in your personal life). I value my life enough to control it myself, and I am doing just that. I am loving it. Plus, it is all about knowing your resources and entitlements. You don't leave the military assed out, because you DID give them your life, they should give something to you after you get out. But this also goes to ANYBODY who feels like they are stuck in their job. It's not the end of the world if you leave. Know your resources. Know your TALENTS and self-KNOWLEDGE. Create your own path in life. Don't let other people create it for you. Don't be a modern-day slave.