Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Special Report - 'Going Natural'

I want yall to see this. I don't promote natural hair just because it's a preference. One of the MAIN reasons are for the health of YOUR hair. Not the hair that you bought. Not to mention, this brings out YOUR NATURAL BEAUTY AND PRIDE!!! This is one trend that I am happy that it is picking up.

You would be surprised at the amount of women who seemingly get offended by me telling them that they should go natural. They get offended by me telling them that I love their NATURAL BEAUTY. A lot of women reply like, "I don't want that nappy shit" or "I'm not tryin to look like no African". But wheather we like it or not, black people we ARE African!!!

Watching this video as well as others, AND since I know what black women do to their hair gets me to wondering. Why??? So, I talk with black women. I try to see what is going on. What is the root of all of this. But I guess it is what ir programmed. Our culture has programmed to think that the long silky hair is what's up. Now don't get me wrong, the long silky stuff looks good too, but at what price? Physically, it is damaging your hair and scalp. Then you have the mental. We are still already slaves enough, why be a slave to hair? Your hair does not look like a white woman's because you aren't white. You have to take pride in your natural beauty. Too many people think that natural hair is ugly because WE ALL have been programmed to think so.

I have also found that many black women who don't go natural just don't know how to take care and manage it. A lot of women think that going natural means just not doing anything to it at all. Yes, ladies you STILL have to manage and take care of it just like you did with with the relaxers, weaves , and wigs. Of course there are unique techniques because your hair is unique. There are many different HEALTHY ways to keep your natural hair looking good.

Also, think about the little girls. Now the knowledge and resources are definitely out there to teach our little girls that they are naturally beautiful. Nothing is wrong with natural hair. In MY opinion, giving a young girl a relaxer(I have heard of them getting them as young as age 3 or 4) is one of the worst things you can do. You are starting a ruining process at a very early age. Do you really want your daughter growing up doubting herself? I mean, there's always gonna be some doubts, but maybe you shouldn't contribute as well.

All in all, natural is the best way to go. It is healthy for your hair and scalp. And it is very beautiful. TRUE BEAUTY. If you think that you can't do it, there are TONS of videos now that tell you that you can. This is something that is a good thing wheather it's a trend or not, it still looks great.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Post Military for Twisted Storeez

Damn. It's been a while since I blogged. Back then I was still in the military and somewhat unhappy with. But I knew that my time was coming up and I would be out. ?Yall think I'm playin, the shit is really like a jail sentence, and I got out early.lol. Well, not really early because I was approaching my 5 year mark and I had already completed an enlistment. Back in July 2009, I foolishly reenlisted out of fear that I would not make it on the outside. That's what everybody puts in your head. They put in your head that the military is the best job out there for you and that you will be happy with the "stability" of a military job.
Well, I got out!!! Not entirely my choice, but in June 2010, I got notice that I would be getting discharged honorably by Aug 31, 2010. I knew it was on some bullshit, but as long as it is honorable, I was totally okay with it. At nearly 5 years, i have proven that I'm not really a failure like they tried to paint me. If I was, I wouldn't have made it past a year.
So now, I have been out officially for 2 months. As a young single man with no kids, I would say that I'm doing OK. I just moved into my new apartment. I'm in a new city that I never lived in, Nashville. I am in college(something that I really couldn't handle when I was in the Air Force). I am rebuilding my DJ brand and it is going ok so far. I was only out here for a week or so when I started getting called to do events.
Money wise I am doing ok. I have several sources of income. I have always been self-sufficient and have been able to make some kind of money. Not to mention, being a vet, you get some decent benefits. I'm now living stress free. I am actually in somewhat better shape although I don't workout. How is that? Because that stupid ass PT that had me doing was just breaking down my body. So with that combined with working a warehouse job for up to 12 hours a day, my body was not in shape like at all. Now that I get PLENTY of rest and I have allowed my knees to heal, I haven't been in this good of shape in some years.
So overall, I would say that I am doing a little better now that I am out. Things are different, but better. A person like myself is not made to be tied to a controlling organization like the military. Don't get me wrong, I am happy for what I did achieve in the military. I don't have a lot of great stories, but I got a few.lol. But it is a VERY true statement that the military isn't for everyone. If it WAS for everyone, then everyone would be in it. With all of my talent and ambition, people were always asking me why was I in the military. And really, I could only tell them I DON'T KNOW.lol. Life on the outside is great and I have no complaints. In a few years, I will be somebodies elementary school teacher and changing lives. If I was in the military, I would've been saying that in 3 years I will be some Staff sergeant still stuck and unhappy with the military. I don't know about yall, but I gotta protect my sanity. I have to do what I want to in MY life, you don't completely get that choice when you are in the military, you do what your superiors tell you to do(including in your personal life). I value my life enough to control it myself, and I am doing just that. I am loving it. Plus, it is all about knowing your resources and entitlements. You don't leave the military assed out, because you DID give them your life, they should give something to you after you get out. But this also goes to ANYBODY who feels like they are stuck in their job. It's not the end of the world if you leave. Know your resources. Know your TALENTS and self-KNOWLEDGE. Create your own path in life. Don't let other people create it for you. Don't be a modern-day slave.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Ju Ju

So on Friday, I was spending time with the Kids at the Pinedale Manor Boys and girls club. I check my Facebook moble, and I checked my inbox and the latest message was titled Julian Pearson is dead. So at first, I thought, "oh this can't be real, who is playing this horrible joke?" Then I saw that it came from Kellian, who is a mutual friend of ours, and my heart dropped like hell. So I left the club and went home to get more info. I saw that the wake and funeral is comming up. So I my mind was running crazy as I am trying to find out what happend. I later found out that she killed herself. A shot to the head. Suicide. I'm like damn. My buddy is gone because of that? I can't even be mad, because I know what it's like to feel like you are ready to end it.

Me and Jullian go back to early 2005. Only 5 years, but it feels like it was much longer. We met at a hospital. I went with Kellian to see another friend, Annistasia who had just came out of a coma. Because Jullian is one of the most plesant people that you would ever meet, of course we hit it off from the start. Of course, I was checkin her out, but as we all know, she was a lesbian. But she was such a warming and good person, I knew that she would be a great friend to have and we still had a lot in common. Then she gets me hooked to a website that she and her friend Jasmine created named UrbanComplex. I just thought that was so awesome. A 17 year old created a site like that that had a worldwide following. And since I was into building webpages and my own website at the time, we always shared HTML tips. Then I would always show up at her job at Schnucks. She would be bagging groceries, but we would sit there at talk for a while. There was a time where we actually went on a date. It was a friendly date. We knew that nothing would ever come of it, but it was still fun and one of my first dates.lol. But we hung out very often after that anyway. Then of course I was leaving STL to go to the Air Force. She was one of the few people who stuck by my side. Every visit I made to STL, it was a top priority to make sure I see her. Even if it was during the school year and She was at ISU, she make the drive to STL while I was visiting just to see me. Small things like calling eac other on our birthdays was so special. Unfoutunately the last time we spoke was on my birthday. She called and left a voicemail and sung happy birthday to me. It was so beautiful. And we talked later that day. Of course many of the times we we hung out was in her favorite place, the U City Loop. I just loved spending time with her. Talking with her. She was sooo intelligent and talented. Never heard anything bad about her, I loved her as did many other people. Someone so talented, intelligent, and beautiful is gone. I know that death has to come to all of us in many different forms. But it hurts so bad to have someone like her to be gone at the age of 22. I just knew that she was gonna do great things in this world. I just with that I can hug my friend one more time, or take a walk one more time. With all of what was in her head, she still remained a good person. I believe in Karma. And Karma works in the after life. So if that is true, we know she is in a good position.

With this happening to one of my close friends, this is a big message to me. I need to keep up better with my friends and loved ones. Even though I love them much, I don't call them as much as I should. So that's what I am gonna do. I am reaching out to these people more often.

Ju Ju, I just want you to know that I love you dearly and you will always be in my heart.. You are still touching lives. Even in only a few words, you have a life story that will inspire and help others, just as you did during youe life.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Love how I see it(part one)

I'm gonna start off by saying that I call it Love How I See It because there is no absolute definite answer to love. If there was, then everybody, or at least most people would find their love with their partner.

First, I say that HONESTY is the key to EVERYTHING. You have to accept honesty for yourself before you can expect it from anybody else. Otherwise, you are gonna think that everybody is lying to you all the time, when in reality, you don't even know what the truth looks like. If you want your partner to put everything on the line, you have to do so to.

Now that you got the honesty thing done, you have to be honest with yourself and GET OVER THE PAST!!! The past is what made you, but it should be what made you better, not bitter. You can not build a future if you are still stuck on the past. How do you expect a person to treat you good and do good for you if you don't even give them a chance because of what people in your past have done? There are too many instances where good people just don't get a chance, because of what the last person has done to you. Or you expect this new person to heal your heart. Nobody can heal your heart but YOU. You have to take that time to yourself to look at everything and heal your own heart.

The two main elements in a path of love is MIND AND HEART. You must use your mind and heart when dealing with love. I see too many people only use one of the elements and always get burned in the end. If you only use your mind, you will think way to hard about situations and your mind will not lead you in the right directions. You will think things that are not true. Love and your only your mind is a bad combination. Love and your heart alone is an even worst combo. Your hear alone will lead you into something blindly. you will let yourself get run over because of this blindness. Your heart will have no sense of direction or protection. SO you effectively need both your mind and heart. Your heart needs your mind so it can be lead in the right direction. Your mind needs your heart so it can be leveled and you can tell whats real. Use these both at all times. Know when to push one more, and pull back one a little bit. But never one completely over the other one.

Last but not least(for this blog entry). GET YOUR MIND RIGHT!!! Maybe this should've been first, but all of this is a process anyway. I don't really know wheather this is at the beginning of the process, along the way, or at the end, but it is the most important part of the process. If your mind is not clear in life and love, you will never be successful. If your mind is not right, you are gonna do everything wrong. The worst part of that is everything you are doing wrong, you are gonna thing that it's right, no matter what is in front of you, what people tell you, or what life show to you.

Like I said, I'm no expert, but I think if more people followed this, we would all be more successful in love. Give it a try you never know what good can come out of this. And be on the lookout for part two!!! Peace Queens and Kings!!!!

Monday, May 17, 2010

Cutting People out of my life!!!???!!!

This is for the people in my personal life. Not business related
So, I have been known to not keep people around for long. Over the years, I have had the rather easy tendacy to stop dealing with a lot of people. Most of the time, it is because of something that someone did to me, or how they treated me, or what they said to me. A lot of those times, they were wrong for what they did. Is this the problem, or is the problem something else?

Now everything that was stated here thus far is true, but did I really need to cut off all of these people? Did I really give everybody a fair chance? This is the question that I ask myself. Now that I think back, YES some of those people truly disserved to be left alone and out of my life. But some others, I might have acted too soon. So since we are all so good at listing the offenses of others, LET ME LIST MY OFFENSES!!!

Probably the number one mistake is that I have the tendecy to not let other people make mistakes. This is wrong of me because I am not allowing these people to be a human.

I have cut ties with friends for having the wrong opinion about me. Instead of taking on the difficult but eventually every helpful task of getting to know that person better and letting them get to know me better, I have just simply cut many of these people off.

I have cut some people really quick for what I saw as trying to change me. This has been the quickest cut.

Those are a few of the main notable examples. But I look back these days and wish that I didn't cut off many of these people. More times than not, I let a minor thing or two ruin some friendsips, some potential relationships.

SO, what I have been working on these days is addressing issues with people, instead of shooting them down, or just running away from the issue. Dealing with it head on may be a difficult thing to do, but it is something that I must learn to do gracefully. I must expect these people to be themselves and accept them as that, just as I want them to do with me. There has even been some that I ignored when they tried to fix our friendship.

So with all of that being said, here is the time for me to do something else I don't do often. THIS IS MY APOLOGY FOR THE ONES THAT I REALLY CARED ABOUT AND THEY REALLY CARED ABOUT ME. And if you did something to me, I forive you. Some of you will read this because of how our relationship was. If if we had a good standing with each other, I am hopeful that we can get it back to how it was. Work things out. BE INDIVIDUALS!!!